


When is it recommended to crown a tooth?

  • The first and most common case is when a large part of the tooth is decayed or has been filled with a large amalgam filling and little tooth material remains after the filling is removed.
  • Another consideration may be aesthetics. A crown is also recommended for mild tooth deformation and more severe discolouration.
  • A third possibility is when someone loses a tooth and does not want to have it replaced with a dental implant. The adjacent teeth next to the missing tooth are then crowned, so that the two crowns hold a so-called bridge element in the middle, which replaces the missing tooth.

The first step is to grind down the tooth

If the tooth to be crowned is free of any complaints. After the procedure, the remaining tooth becomes sensitive to external influences and is immediately fitted with a temporary plastic crown until the permanent crown is ready.

After the preparation, it may be necessary to do some trial and error to ensure the final result is perfect. The first trial is made with the crown frame (metal or zirconium frame), after which the ceramic surface is placed on the frame.

At this stage we also make a so-called rough trial, where the final crown colour and shape can be seen. At this stage, many changes are still possible in terms of aesthetics.

Having our own dental laboratory gives us an excellent opportunity to satisfy patients'' wishes for any changes. Once the desired colour and shape have been achieved in the rough trial, the crown is fired to its final state with a layer of varnish.

We guarantee the repair of crowns and bridges for three years from the date of delivery, provided the patient complies with the mandatory six-monthly check-ups at our dental clinic. When making zirconia crowns, there is a procedure where the crown framework is not modelled by hand, but with the help of a machine. In the so-called CAD-CAM method, a machine scans the impression pattern and cuts the frame out of the zirconium block based on the scanned image.

Opening hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


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Feel free to contact us!
Hungary: +36 96 566 424
Austria: +43 800 291 243
Germany: +49 800 291 2431

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By phone

Hungary: +36 96 566 424
Austria: +43 800 291 243
Germany: +49 800 291 2431