


Complete dentures for edentulous jaws

An impression is taken during the first session of treatment, which the doctor can later use to adjust the exact bite.

In the next session, the dentures are placed on a wax model so that the patient can see what the finished denture will look like. During the final session, the finished denture is handed over and the patient is given the appropriate cleaning and care advice.

Partial dentures

Recommended if the patient has not yet lost all their teeth. It is possible to make a denture with a clasp, which means that a clasp is fixed on the tooth itself, or a clasp can be made on the crown after the remaining teeth have been crowned.
A more aesthetic solution is to replace the clasp with a so-called sliding denture, whose metal part is not visible on the teeth.

Denture with implant

There is an excellent method of stabilising a removable full denture with implants. The implantation of a prosthetic root does not make the denture a fixed prosthesis, but it makes it stable to the extent that it gives the impression of real teeth. In terms of the treatment procedure, it works in a similar way to fixed teeth. The first step is the placement of dental implants (4 per jaw), followed by a four-month healing period. During this period, patients wear a temporary removable prosthesis, but this is not yet reinforced by the implant. After four months, an impression is taken of the jaws and the final prosthesis is made within 10 days. Of course, it is necessary to do trial runs during these 10 days to ensure a perfect fit of the finished denture.

Care and cleaning is the same as for a removable full denture.

Opening hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


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Feel free to contact us!
Hungary: +36 96 566 424
Austria: +43 800 291 243
Germany: +49 800 291 2431

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By phone

Hungary: +36 96 566 424
Austria: +43 800 291 243
Germany: +49 800 291 2431